listen. can you hear it? the wind. cars. the ocean. the laughter and the screaming hum of everything. people out there, falling in love and getting their hearts broken. this city is a symphony and i am her speaker.
a lot about elyse's early life is still a bit of a mystery. going off of what her mother told her, she was born and raised in boston. her father was non-existent. at first, her mother dodged the issue, but eventually she learned that her father had made a name for himself in a moderately popular rock band. they'd met when he was on tour and he had no clue el even existed. he'd eventually learn of her, naturally doubtful at first. he was a mess, definitely in no shape to take on a fatherly role. el's mother simply insisted there was no pressure and she'd keep quiet to the press. news got out somehow, causing things in her life to get very awkward for a teenager. it was something elyse couldn't have ever been ready for.
she was a keep to herself kind of child, often teased for her big eyes and the way she never spoke much. at first, therapists thought she had a speech problem, but it was mostly because she didn't have much to say. by the time she turned ten, you couldn't get her to stop talking, or singing for that matter. that made sense later in life, given her father's occupation. once her peers stopped teasing her about it, they became curious. mostly, el would have been happy just being left alone.
her mother never made a lot of money and she certainly didn't receive any from her father until later on and even that was never necessary. el never asked him for anything, though he made it somewhat clear that he wanted to be a presence in her life, even a small one. being that she was musically inclined, it helped create a bond between the two. he taught her more than she could have ever asked for, not just how to play guitar, but the ins and outs of the music industry. when she made the revelation that she wanted to go into performing, it was hardly a surprise. not from a girl who'd been writing and singing since she could talk.
el had that rare combination of not only being beautiful; she was actually very intelligent and savvy. however, with as engrossed as she was with music, her acedemics started to slide out from under her. barely graduating high school, she soon made it perfectly known that she was headed for los angeles to pursue her dream. it certainly wasn't easy. most days were a struggle, even with her father's connections. she managed to sell a couple of her songs which were eventually recorded and released by major pop artists. her knowledge of working in the studio earned her an apprenticeship of sorts. while other artists were singing her songs, she was able to produce them and keep their integrity.
a colleague suggested she cut a demo. since she'd been writing and working within the business a couple years at that point, it wasn't a hard task to navigate. after a few months she had a meeting with a top label and was signed almost immediately. thus began the whirlwind of tours, videos, albums, and everything that came along with that pop singer life.
of course, other things came along with that life. elyse wasn't immune to the constant pressure which she found herself crumbling underneath. first, she was just drinking. eventually it turned into more than that. by twenty-four she had to be checked into a treatment facility in utah. you know, the top secret ones that everyone pretends not to know about. at least by that point she could afford a nice place. she decided to keep a low profile for a couple years before releasing another album. even then, she had faded from the spotlight. she found some success, enough to keep her comfortable. maybe she preferred it that way.
elyse made the move to san francisco to settle there. she invested some money in a rundown nightclub and fixed it up into being a hub for new, up and coming acts. over the years, it grew more in exclusivity based on her name alone. she still performs and records, keeping songs for herself and offering others to other artists. for as much as she loved the fame and notriety, she's enjoying simply being able to do her own thing at her own pace.
she was a keep to herself kind of child, often teased for her big eyes and the way she never spoke much. at first, therapists thought she had a speech problem, but it was mostly because she didn't have much to say. by the time she turned ten, you couldn't get her to stop talking, or singing for that matter. that made sense later in life, given her father's occupation. once her peers stopped teasing her about it, they became curious. mostly, el would have been happy just being left alone.
her mother never made a lot of money and she certainly didn't receive any from her father until later on and even that was never necessary. el never asked him for anything, though he made it somewhat clear that he wanted to be a presence in her life, even a small one. being that she was musically inclined, it helped create a bond between the two. he taught her more than she could have ever asked for, not just how to play guitar, but the ins and outs of the music industry. when she made the revelation that she wanted to go into performing, it was hardly a surprise. not from a girl who'd been writing and singing since she could talk.
el had that rare combination of not only being beautiful; she was actually very intelligent and savvy. however, with as engrossed as she was with music, her acedemics started to slide out from under her. barely graduating high school, she soon made it perfectly known that she was headed for los angeles to pursue her dream. it certainly wasn't easy. most days were a struggle, even with her father's connections. she managed to sell a couple of her songs which were eventually recorded and released by major pop artists. her knowledge of working in the studio earned her an apprenticeship of sorts. while other artists were singing her songs, she was able to produce them and keep their integrity.
a colleague suggested she cut a demo. since she'd been writing and working within the business a couple years at that point, it wasn't a hard task to navigate. after a few months she had a meeting with a top label and was signed almost immediately. thus began the whirlwind of tours, videos, albums, and everything that came along with that pop singer life.
of course, other things came along with that life. elyse wasn't immune to the constant pressure which she found herself crumbling underneath. first, she was just drinking. eventually it turned into more than that. by twenty-four she had to be checked into a treatment facility in utah. you know, the top secret ones that everyone pretends not to know about. at least by that point she could afford a nice place. she decided to keep a low profile for a couple years before releasing another album. even then, she had faded from the spotlight. she found some success, enough to keep her comfortable. maybe she preferred it that way.
elyse made the move to san francisco to settle there. she invested some money in a rundown nightclub and fixed it up into being a hub for new, up and coming acts. over the years, it grew more in exclusivity based on her name alone. she still performs and records, keeping songs for herself and offering others to other artists. for as much as she loved the fame and notriety, she's enjoying simply being able to do her own thing at her own pace.

Alison Blaire, X-Men. Publicly known mutant. Professional singer, adventurer, former revolutionary, waitress, actress, gladiator, dance instructor, and model. Graduated magna cum laude from pre-law college program. Was once sought out by both the X-Men and the Hellfire Club for recruitment. Ultimately chose the side of the do-gooders.
Aside from being an integrual asset for the team, Alison is a gifted performer and has gained fame throughout the country. Was married to another mutant named Longshot and was believed to have a son that didn't survive.
Aside from being an integrual asset for the team, Alison is a gifted performer and has gained fame throughout the country. Was married to another mutant named Longshot and was believed to have a son that didn't survive.
occupation • involved in the music industry
talents • musically inclined
mannerism • both love to be the center of attention, even if they won't admit it.
sound release
light projection
photon blasts
rocket burst
destructive shield
light immunity
sound immunity
hand to hand combat
roller skates
traditional uniform
microphone locket
memories of x-men
memories of longshot
memories of a-force